• As I Give You My Hand to Hold

  • [GROOM], please repeat after me.

    I, [GROOM], take you, [BRIDE], to be my partner in life.
    I promise to walk by your side forever
    And to love, help and encourage you
    In all that you do.
    I will take time to talk with you
    To listen to you
    And to care for you.
    I will share your laughter and your tears
    As your partner, lover and best friend.
    Everything I am and everything I have is yours
    Now and forevermore

    [BRIDE], please repeat after me.
    I, [BRIDE], give myself to you, [GROOM]
    On this our wedding day.
    I will cherish our friendship
    And love you today, tomorrow and forever.
    I will trust you and honor you.
    I will love you faithfully
    Through the best and the worst,
    Through the difficult and the easy.
    What may come, I will be there always.
    As I have give you my hand to hold,
    So I give you my life to keep.