• There are quite a few vendors you'll need to book for your wedding. But, with so many different types and so many different schedules, where do you start? If there is a particular 'must have' vendor on your list, start there. Find out when they are available, choose your date based on their [...]

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    Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking and can easily take six months to a year or more. There are a million decisions to make and a million little details to cover which is why any brides spend upwards of 500 hours or more working on their wedding. However, there's a time for planning...and a [...]

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    Every wedding has unique challenges and we all know that the schedule for the day can be a bit fluid. There are, however, one or two non-negotiables that absolutely must start on time. Most wedding vendors know this and work hard to ensure they start on time. There are, however, two wedding day [...]

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    Many couples struggle with trying to figure out when to end the party on their wedding day. Our best advice is to end your reception at 11 (or even 1). There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the two of you, your parents, and the wedding party are going to have an insanely long day. [...]

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    Officiant Academy

    13 Dec 2020

    We completely understand that sometimes, the best officiant is not us [gasp], but rather a close friend or family member.  The ability to get ordained online for free means it's now possible to have virtually anyone ordained as a 'religious leader' (the only legal wedding officiant [...]

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    This one of the little things that nobody other than DJs think about. No matter what kind of event you're hosting, it's always a good idea to put cocktail tables next to the dance floor. Your guests will come to the dance floor when their favorite song comes on, but forget to leave their drink at[...]

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    The recent, abrupt closure of Noah's Event Center which left thousands of clients out in the cold (including several of our clients) is the perfect example of why you need wedding insurance. Simply put, you can't anticipate every possible situation. All you can do is protect yourself in the [...]

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    Music Control Freaks

    11 Jan 2020

    The cardinal rule of deejaying is this - if you play what they want to hear, they'll dance and the floor will be full all night long. It really is that simple. Over the years I've had far too many clients give me an 'approved playlist' for their event or, even worse, a specific list of songs to[...]

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    As if family and friends dynamics aren't enough to make creating a seating chart virtually impossible, here's something else to consider. While a place at table number two right next to the head table in the front of the room would be a honor for most guests, first responders such as police, [...]

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    Many couples get engaged over the holidays and want to immediately set a date. There are a couple of ways to start the process, but there is some basic info you'll need to keep in mind. First, there are two types of vendors; single client vendors and multiple client vendors. Single client [...]

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