• Make Them Show You How to Kiss

  • Clanking glasses can get really old, really quick. It’s quick and easy to do, so it’s done almost constantly. If the two of you would like to actually enjoy your meal, you’ll want to look into other ways your guests can make you kiss.

    My favorite is ‘show me’. Your MC/DJ will fill your guests in ahead of time that there will be absolutely no clanking of glasses. Instead, to get the two of you to kiss, all your guests have to do is stand up, walk to the head table, and show you how it’s done. You’ll then need to copy the kiss exactly.

    This has a couple of benefits. First, it cuts way back on the kissing; you’ll get to enjoy your meal. Second, it gets your guests way more involved than they normally would be. Third, it encourages some of the older couples like your grandparents to create their own PDA (public displays of affection) which everyone loves!