• Two Wedding Day Non-Negotiables

  • Every wedding has unique challenges and we all know that the schedule for the day can be a bit fluid. There are, however, one or two non-negotiables that absolutely must start on time. Most wedding vendors know this and work hard to ensure they start on time. There are, however, two wedding day non-negotiables.

    The first is dinner. Your caterer has done everything they can to ensure a hot dinner for your guests will be served at the scheduled time. If you’ve never seen a caterer in action, it’s quite a sight! Imagine prepping 100-200 meals and having to have them all done at the same time and taken out to the tables at the same time. It takes some heavy-duty coordination.

    Because of this, having dinner start even a few minutes late can throw a serious monkey wrench into dinner service. It may seem like your DJ or event coordinator is being an anal retentive pain in the hiney when it comes to getting your guests seated and the party ready for dinner, but trust us – it’s for a very good reason!

    The second is the ceremony start time under certain conditions. We all know that ceremonies usually run late and that’s usually okay. If, however, there are weather concerns such as incoming rain or if your guests are baking in the sun, we’ll do everything we can to make sure your wedding starts on time. Yes, we understand that things happen, but we want to make sure worse things such as guests getting soaked or suffering from heat stroke don’t happen. If your officiant is suddenly feverishly checking his or her phone and pushing everyone to get going, trust that there’s a reason behind it.

    Every once in a while we encounter a photographer who doesn’t have the same…drive…that we do when it comes to the schedule. We try our best to politely get the photographer on board but, every once in a while, we have to get a bit pushy. When you see us put on the ‘middle school teacher’ face, get ready! Things are about to kick into gear (perhaps with your photographer kicking and screaming…).

    The bottom line is that you need to ensure that, above all else, dinner starts on time and, in certain circumstances, the ceremony as well. It’s not something you need to worry about or keep track of; just trust your planner, DJ, or officiant. That’s what you’ve hired us for!